Saturday, 14 November 2015

10 Basic Reasons Why You are Not Losing ‪Weight and How to Fix Them

You have too many excuses 
-Start taking responsibility for your life

You eat more than you should
-take change of your meals, eat based on internal cues. Learn to say No

You turn to food for comfort
-address your emotional eating issue

You have false notion surrounding food and eating 
-break free of your false belief about food and eating

You are not taking the right diet 
-Go for diet with best weight loss efficacy, cut out junk food, fast and highly processed food

You don't work out
-incorporate more physical movement in your life (Exercise)

Your metabolism is out of whack 
-Eat 5-6 meals a day every 3 hours avoid starvation, eat natural whole food with high thermic effect

You have an endomorph body type 
-Be more active, train yourself with large muscle group

You are retaining water 
Regulate cortisol, don't be fixated on scale, drink water, avoid high sodium persist

You keep self-sabogating yourself
-Understand yourself-sabogating triggers. address them accordingly 



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