Friday 13 May 2016

World Oldest Woman Dicovered In Nigeria See Photo

The woman pictured below is said to be the world most oldest woman. She is from The southern part of Nigeria. 
According to her great-great grandson Mr. Avuefeyen, Esifiho who is allegedly 2 centuries old lives in Ellu,(Edhemoko, Akaluba Street, Ellu in INLG) Delta state.

Questioning the validity of Mama’s birth, Mr. Avufeyen said that she witnessed the birth of his grandfather. If his claims are true then, Mama Efisho is not only Nigeria’s oldest woman alive, she will be the oldest woman alive anywhere.

This is coming right after civil servants in Brazil reported they have discovered the world’s oldest person – a 131-year-old father-of-3 living with a wife 69 years his junior.



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