Thursday, 10 September 2015

FUT MINNA: University kicks out 28 students for absenteeism and poor performance

Twenty-eight students of the Federal University of Technology (FUT), Minna, have been withdrawn for poor academic performance and absenteeism without permission.

According to a statement issued by the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the university, Lydia Legbo, the decision to withdraw the students was sanctioned at the institution's 398th Senate meeting.

The affected students include; 15 students from the Faculty of Engineering; eight students from the Department of Risk Management and Development Studies;  two students from department of Animal Production, and one student each from Geology, Estate Management and Valuation and Biochemistry Departments.

Of the 28 students, 23 were withdrawn for poor academic performance while four lost their place in the university for being absent for both the  first and second semester examinations without official permission and one was withdrawn after overstaying the maximum allowable periods of studentship.



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